Panayiopoula Church, Corfu
Panayiopoula Church, Corfu


Most important in this month is the celebration for Saint Dimitri the Patron Saint of Macedonia. He is worshipped world-wide but particularly in Salonika. On 26/10 we have an official day, being also a rest day. Crowds wait patiently in long lines for their turn to worship the icon in the famous church of Salonika. Some bake holy bread, and some offer sweets to be shared amongst all. Nearly every house has a Dimitris or Dimitra, so to them, we send best wishes.

Remember that on the first of October, the Panagia - Quick to Hear, (Γοργουπηκοου) - famously connected with the monastery of Doxiareiou on Mt Athos - is seriously celebrated. This is a great monastery where people go for the sole reason of having their requests quickly answered. Many Greek writers, such as Alex. Papadiamanti, have written holy words and Services of Supplication, to honour her. The monastery, due to the valuable icon, assists those who fail to conceive, and helps each sad woman awaiting her pregnancy. The small icons that circulate are all well designed.

On yet another day in October, 28/10, we have the fete of the Panagia, a national day, coinciding with Oxi day. There are many Saints to remember during this month, like Ierotheos, and Anastasia of Rome. Anastasia is particularly loved and celebrated on 29/10.

Even if you can’t make it to a church, calling on these saints, whilst you use your prayer rope will help a lot. A quiet hour at home concentrating on your spiritual actions will help you, and your young ones as well. Now is the time to pray for quiet, obedient children, avoiding useless arguments. The actions of children are a carbon copy of what they heard or saw at home. Natural pride, the pride of a parent who rears a child, who is free of trouble to others, a child who doesn’t hear lies at home, is worth many sacrifices on your part. It is a parent’s most demanding and rewarding role.

Happy October.

August 23 - Festival of The Odigitria

As at every monastery, so too at the Holy Metochi, the celebration of the Saint to whom the monastery is dedicated is the most significant day in the year. 

In the case of the Metochi, our Patroness is the Holy Virgin and Mother of God, the Odigitria, who in this area is called the Panayiopoula. All year in our thoughts and prayers we call to  her to bestow her grace on us.

The 23rd of August is the Return Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, the 9th day, and worshippers venerate a small icon of the Dormition, showing the All-Holy settled on her deathbed surrounded by apostles, hierarchs and angels.

Leading up to the day the church is scrubbed, polished and decorated. The Altar is covered with a richly embroidered cloth only used for this festival, flowers fill every corner and rows of flags are strung up and down the street. The  beloved and grace-filled icon of the Panayiopoula is framed in priceless handmade lace.

Celebrating the Panagia Odigitria

The church which so many describe as having a 'soul' is very small, so chairs outside in the quiet street soon fill up with locals and some from further away.

Each Service is officiated by the Hegumen of the Holy Monastery Platytera.

'All generations shall call me blessed'  Luke 1, 48. That is why we call and pray for her help, our Ever-Virgin Mother. All Holy Theotokos intercede for us.

The church can be contacted by writing to PO Box 532, Corfu, 49100 Greece or by email at

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