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The beloved Archbishop, Anastasios of Albania, has died, may God rest his soul in peace. May we have his blessing.
For weeks now, we watch and read about Trump in the U.S.A. He says he is introducing “A New Golden Era”, making America Great again. Not unlike the authors of Utopian books seeking a place to their desires. Most of these books had a theme. One Utopia has no laws at all, another has everything in common ownership, even women! Trumps’ theme has to be money, with his lavish house, diamond bestowed wife, billionaire friends. In 1550 Thomas More, a catholic, wrote Utopia, set on an island. It was a best seller then, with details of a six hour working day, even laws for divorce. Through the centuries many more books have been written, most set on islands where people arrive after a disaster at sea. In Hilton’s book Shangri La (1930) the people arrived after a plane crash, walked to the centre outside Tibet with snow covered majestic mountains, yet once there amongst the centenarians, it was just as on an island. The New Atlantis (1626) by Bacon, foresaw airplanes, telephone and submarines. The Utopian islands were sometimes underground, sometimes on the moon. Evelyn Waugh and William Golding have written more recently. Trump’s Utopia is an America without illegal migrants. See Isaiah 11,3 for a ‘song’ about Utopia, called the ‘Peaceful Kingdom’. Time to get out those old maps, to find Judah, Babylon, to look up names like Jotham, Hezekah - he was the King of Judah - a time of bickering and small wars, no wonder Isaiah wished for a Peaceful Kingdom. Islands have their interest, like St. Petersburg, like Spinalonga, off Crete island, where those suffering from leprosy were sent, as back then in the early 20th century, there was no cure. Later, in the 1950s a medicine was found, and all those who had major or minor leprosy, now known as Hansens disease, were to go to Athens, to St Barbara hospital, closing all the small clinics. The new medicine did not restore a deformed nose or restore sight. Another little known island was Νazino, off the coast of Siberia, where the dwellers were cannibals. It was 1930 when Stalin had another of his ideas, to send thousands of trouble makers far away They were forgotten, his five year plan collapsed, famine overtook Russia, so to survive the islanders became cannibals. In the Bible there are numerous references to plans,all futile, as it is God who decides our plans. Certainly not five year plans.
A book circulates starring a girl with leprosy, Argyro Stephanaki, from Crete. She joined her mother and her sister on tiny Spinalonga. There she showed her golden heart and cared for the sufferers. She was personally tortured but constantly attended to the needy. When the medicine was found in the 1950s they all left the island and went to St. Barbara’s hospital Bishops and other clerics came and took advice from Argyro, she was so blessed. She died in 2014.
Another woman about the same time, Gerontissa Galaktaki, yet another soul, dying in 2021, who left many amazed at her advanced theological beliefs. Certainly, the Orthodox church had saints who sought a Utopia , in the form of silence, hours for prayer, no regard for food. St. Anthony the Great, went from one remote cave to another, always trying to remain undiscovered, only eating weeds, until His Utopian days were ended when he had a heavenly message to allow followers to benefit from his virtues. Another Saint, Efthimios the Great, did the same thing, creating monasteries but always leaving his friend Theoctictos to handle followers until once again, with heavenly intervention, the time came for him to consider accepting students. His time in his own Utopia was over. His virtues were public knowledge. See too St. Dionysos of Mt. Olympus, one who craved for escape, seeking silence, prayer time and no thought for food, but again, he too, was chosen to administer to his followers, sharing his virtues.
Most of us crave for a Utopia, but we are lazy, unimaginative, and happy to read of another’s Utopia, then to criticize it.
Unfortunately, the book about Argyro is in Greek, written by bishop Nektarios of Argos, check the web, maybe you can find it in English. It is small and easy to read, whilst packed with enjoyable information.
August 23 - Festival of The Odigitria
As at every monastery, so too at the Holy Metochi, the celebration of the Saint to whom the monastery is dedicated is the most significant day in the year.
In the case of the Metochi, our Patroness is the Holy Virgin and Mother of God, the Odigitria, who in this area is called the Panayiopoula. All year in our thoughts and prayers we call to her to bestow her grace on us.
The 23rd of August is the Return Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, the 9th day, and worshippers venerate a small icon of the Dormition, showing the All-Holy settled on her deathbed surrounded by apostles, hierarchs and angels.
Leading up to the day the church is scrubbed, polished and decorated. The Altar is covered with a richly embroidered cloth only used for this festival, flowers fill every corner and rows of flags are strung up and down the street. The beloved and grace-filled icon of the Panayiopoula is framed in priceless handmade lace.
Celebrating the Panagia Odigitria
The church which so many describe as having a 'soul' is very small, so chairs outside in the quiet street soon fill up with locals and some from further away.
Each Service is officiated by the Hegumen of the Holy Monastery Platytera.
'All generations shall call me blessed' Luke 1, 48.
That is why we call and pray for her help, our Ever-Virgin Mother. All Holy Theotokos intercede for us.
The church can be contacted by writing to PO Box 532, Corfu, 49100 Greece or by email at info@corfu-odigitria.com.
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